第3部分 (第1/8頁)

Van Aldin laughed amusedly。

〃I guess so。 You see; they are my little present for Ruthie。〃

The secretary smiled discreetly。

〃I can understand now Mrs Kettering's anxiety over the telephone;〃 he murmured。 But Van Aldin shook his head。 The hard look returned to his face。

〃You are wrong there;〃 he said。 〃She doesn't know about these; they are my little surprise for her。〃

He shut the case; and began slowly to wrap it up again。

〃It's a hard thing; Knighton;〃 he said; 〃how little one can do for those one loves。 I can buy a good portion of the earth for Ruth; if it would be any use to her; but it isn't。 I can hang these things round her neck and give her a moment or two's pleasure; maybe; but …〃

He shook his head。

〃When a woman is not happy in her home …〃

He left the sentence unfinished。 The secretary nodded discreetly。 He knew; none better; the reputation of the Hon Derek Kettering。 Van Aldin sighed。 Slipping the parcel back in his coat pocket; he nodded to Knighton and left the room。

Chapter 4


The Hon Mrs Derek Kettering lived in Curzon Street。 The butler who opened the door recognized Rufus Van Aldin at once and permitted himself a discreet smile of greeting。 He led the way upstairs to the big double drawing…room on the first floor。

A woman who was sitting by the window started up with a cry。

〃Why; Dad; if that isn't too good for anything! I've been telephoning Ma

最新小說: 領主:開局化身天災,戰場成禁區 最終試煉遊戲 夢幻西遊:開局一段鐵絲我無敵了 我獨自挖礦 顧總太太把你拉黑了喬若星顧景琰 斬神:熾天使嫌棄後我直升至高神 火影:掛機就變強 七零:被趕出家門後我轉頭嫁軍官 失控星光 末日星晶:我有一個契約獸軍團 天災降臨:我可以強化萬物 原神:諸位,墮入深淵吧 紅魔復興,從挽留穆里尼奧開始 我的槍附加百種特性 我在曼城看大門 網遊:幻域風雲 NBA:熱火三連冠無了?我來續 橫跨大小球時代,庫裡鯊魚的結合 網遊之開局就很慘 大姚穿越重振籃聯