第9部分 (第6/9頁)

owing; his body warm though the heat of the day was

gone; and her mouth was suddenly dry。 〃I think I'd better give him a

hand。 Pray we're not out of matches。〃

Her response was meant as humor; because she wasn't telling Ross the

truth。 Oh; yes; Lee was a willing handyman; able in nine cases out of

ten。 But they had a running gag over that tenth。 Chloe was convinced;

and had told Lee as much; that his occasional flub was intentional; his

way of reminding her that he needed her; too。 He never denied it。 And

Chloe always indulged him。 Emotionally; he gave her so much。 She liked

giving a little some of that back。

Without further pause; she ran up the steps。 It was only when she

reached the top and started for the door that Ross caught her hand。 He

pressed something into it。 She looked down at a book of matches。

〃You smoke?〃

〃Actually;〃 he said with a wry twist of his lips; 〃I carry matches

around with me just in case a pilot light goes out。〃

:;Do you smoke?〃

〃Through my eyes; when I'm angry。〃

〃Ross; do you?〃

〃Smoke? No。〃

She sighed。 〃That's good。 This is a nonsmoking house。 If you wanted to

smoke you'd have to sneak one in the john; or stay out here with the


〃That's some choice。 Good thing I don't have to make it。 As it happens;〃

he informed her; 〃my only vice is sex。 Do we have to sneak that in the

最新小說: B級天賦,一樣可以登頂 記錄地平線上的旅途 公路求生之大玩家 列車求生:無掛求生 王者:這個選手,正得發邪 傳說之下,時間線之外的人 遊戲降臨:從隱藏職業開始封神 nba最強球星詹姆斯哈登 夏日狂響曲 開局零幸運值?別慌我有任意門 雙城之戰:第九議員 校花別撩我,我只想打籃球! 網遊之獨步逍遙 絕世唐門之力挽狂瀾 玩三國志戰略版,分幣不充 神話再臨:我獲得了燭龍血脈 都重生了,還讓我從頭開始 一天不打仗朕就渾身難受 NBA:穿越神醫變教練帶飛姚明 鬥羅:日月雨浩,不做唐三女婿