第12部分 (第6/9頁)

something short of trust。

〃Sure;〃 she said; praying that he not hear her breathlessness and guess

its cause。 〃It's great for the fresh air; uses practically no gas; and

does much less by way of pollution than my car。〃 She paused。 〃Unless

you'd feel safer…〃

〃No。 No。 I'm game。 Don't forget…of the two of us; I'm the original


Chloe drove with Ross straddling the seat behind her; and it was totally

traumatic。 He was near; so near。 His arms were locked about her waist;

his body tucked against hers。 Even the October breeze whipping by did

nothing to relieve the intimacy of the trip。 When he spoke; it was a

nibble at her ear。 A nibble? Had he really done that@r was it a product

of her overworked imagination?

Indifference。 Uh…huh。

The road they traveled was one she covered daily。 Its sides were edged

with maples and oaks; grown ripe and mellow now; on the verge of

bursting into autumn flame。 Fields sprawled to the right; wooded

pastureland to the left。 Ahead undulated a path to Sakon Point; the

very tip of the finger of land on which Little pton sat just across

the bay from Newport。

If Ross was aware of the havoc his nearness wreaked on her; he kept his

smugness in check。 Once; in a gesture of soft intimacy; he released her

waist to gather her hair together in his hands; twist the long fall

once; and tuck it inside

最新小說: B級天賦,一樣可以登頂 記錄地平線上的旅途 公路求生之大玩家 列車求生:無掛求生 王者:這個選手,正得發邪 傳說之下,時間線之外的人 遊戲降臨:從隱藏職業開始封神 nba最強球星詹姆斯哈登 夏日狂響曲 開局零幸運值?別慌我有任意門 雙城之戰:第九議員 校花別撩我,我只想打籃球! 網遊之獨步逍遙 絕世唐門之力挽狂瀾 玩三國志戰略版,分幣不充 神話再臨:我獲得了燭龍血脈 都重生了,還讓我從頭開始 一天不打仗朕就渾身難受 NBA:穿越神醫變教練帶飛姚明 鬥羅:日月雨浩,不做唐三女婿