第35部分 (第6/9頁)

m downstairs had ceased。 The rain continued to pound the

windows; but it was the smell of strong coffee that finally woke her up。

Even before she opened her eyes; she knew he was there in her room。 The

weight by her right hip; a distinct depression in the mattress; the

faint hint of after…shave…all told her so。 She opened heavy eyes and

focused on him。 Through a sleepy haze; he looked soft; gentle; and

caring。 Freshly shaven; showered; and dressed; he was powerfully male。

His face was one big tender smile; broken only when he sipped coffee

from the mug he held。

〃Good morning;〃 he said。 〃I'd begun to wonder whether you'd ever wake

up。 A real sleeping beauty。〃

Anne was relieved enough that his mood had improved to muster a smile。

〃I had trouble falling asleep。〃

〃Tell me about it。〃

〃Hmph。 Got a taste of your own medicine?〃 Pushing higher up on the

pillow; she moved her hair off her cheek。

As the quilt fell away; Mitch's eyes lit。 〃What's this? Bare arms? A

negligee? Where'd the long flannel nightgown go? It's not that warm


Anne scowled。 〃It's not a negligee。 A negligee is something daring。 This

is just a nightgown。〃 Primly; she pulled the quilt to her throat。

〃We're arguing semantics; Annie。 The fact is; you look like a woman

should look first thing in the morning。〃

〃I look awful;〃 she grumbled; picturing ratty hai

最新小說: B級天賦,一樣可以登頂 記錄地平線上的旅途 公路求生之大玩家 列車求生:無掛求生 王者:這個選手,正得發邪 傳說之下,時間線之外的人 遊戲降臨:從隱藏職業開始封神 nba最強球星詹姆斯哈登 夏日狂響曲 開局零幸運值?別慌我有任意門 雙城之戰:第九議員 校花別撩我,我只想打籃球! 網遊之獨步逍遙 絕世唐門之力挽狂瀾 玩三國志戰略版,分幣不充 神話再臨:我獲得了燭龍血脈 都重生了,還讓我從頭開始 一天不打仗朕就渾身難受 NBA:穿越神醫變教練帶飛姚明 鬥羅:日月雨浩,不做唐三女婿