第13部分 (第1/7頁)

r by the tea…table。 It is late; and I have long since drunk my cup of milk。 My eyes are heavy with sleep as I sit there and listen。 How could I not listen; seeing that Mamma is speaking to somebody; and that the sound of her voice is so melodious and kind? How much its echoes recall to my heart! With my eyes veiled with drowsiness I gaze at her wistfully。 Suddenly she seems to grow smaller and smaller; and her face vanishes to a point; yet I can still see it—can still see her as she looks at me and smiles。 Somehow it pleases me to see her grown so small。 I blink and blink; yet she looks no larger than a boy reflected in the pupil of an eye。 Then I rouse myself; and the picture fades。 Once more I half…close my eyes; and cast about to try and recall the dream; but it has gone; I rise to my feet; only to fall back fortably into the armchair。

“There! You are falling asleep again; little Nicolas;” says Mamma。 “You had better go to by…by。”

“No; I won’t go to sleep; Mamma;” I reply; though almost inaudibly; for pleasant dreams are filling all my soul。 The sound sleep of childhood is weighing my eyelids down; and for a few moments。 I sink into slumber and oblivion until awakened by some one。 I feel in my sleep as though a soft hand were caressing me。 I know it by the touch; and; though still dreaming; I seize hold of it and press it to my lips。 Every one else has gone to bed; and only one candle remains burning in the drawing…room。 Mamma has said that she herself wi

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