第7部分 (第5/7頁)

t with swelling or pride。 Certainly; it is heaven upon earth to have a man’s mind move in charity; rest in providence; and turn upon the poles of truth。

To pass from theological and philosophical truth to the truth of civil business: it will be acknowledged even by those that practice it not that clear and round dealing is the honor of man’s nature; and that mixture of falsehood is like alloy in coin of gold and silver; which may make the metal work the better; but it embaseth it。 For these winding and crooked courses are the goings of the serpent; which goeth basely upon the belly; and not upon the feet。 There is no vice that doth so cover a man with shame as to be found false and perfidious5。 And therefore Montaigne said prettily; when he inquired the reason why the word of the lie should be such a disgrace and such an odious charge。 Saith he; If it be well weighed; to say that a man lieth is as much to say as that he is brave toward God and a coward toward men。 For a lie faces God; and shrinks from man。 Surely the wickedness of falsehood and breach of faith cannot possibly be so highly expressed as in that it shall be the last peal to call the judgments of God upon the generations of men; it being foretold that when Christ eth; he shall not find faith upon the earth。


蜉 蝣(1)



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