第5部分 (第3/7頁)

While the lad stood in doubt as to these roads; he saw two fair women ing toward him; each on a different road。 The one who came by the flowery way reached him first; and Hercules saw that she was as beautiful as a summer day。

Her cheeks were red; her eyes sparkled; she spoke warm; persuasive words。 “O noble youth;” she said; “be no longer bowed down with labor and sore trials; but e and follow me。 I will lead you into pleasant paths; where there are no storms to disturb and no troubles to annoy。 You shall live in ease; with one unending round of music and mirth; and you shall not want for anything that makes life joyous—sparkling wine; or soft couches; or rich robes; or the loving eyes of beautiful maidens。 e with me; and life shall be to you a daydream of gladness。”

By this time the other fair woman had drawn near; and she now spoke to the lad。 “I have nothing to promise you;” said she; “save that which you shall win with your own strength。 The road upon which I would lead you is uneven and hard; and climbs many a hill; and descends into many a valley and quagmire。 The views which you will sometimes get from the hilltops are grand and glorious; but the deep valleys are dark; and the ascent from them is toilsome。


Nevertheless; the road leads to the blue mountains of endless fame; which you see far away on the horizon。 They cannot be reached without labor; in fact; there is nothing worth having that must not be won by toil。 If you wou

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