第14部分 (第4/7頁)




暴風雨是激烈的,是強勁的,它洗刷著大地的萬物,它使我的靈魂得到了淨化,心情變得平靜安逸。那憂愁和惱恨,被這壯觀的暴風雨沖刷得無影無蹤了。暴風雨來得猛烈,絕不會向大地妥協,它風馳電掣,從不放過世間任何一個角落。 電子書 分享網站


Glories of the Storm


It begins when a feeling of stillness creeps into my consciousness。 Everything has suddenly gone quiet。 Birds do not chirp。 Leaves do not rustle。 Insects do not sing。

The air that has been hot all day bees heavy。 It hangs over the trees; presses the heads of the flowers to the ground; sits on my shoulders。 With a vague feeling of uneasiness I move to the window。 There; in the west; lies the answer—cloud has piled on cloud to form a ridge of mammoth white towers; rearing against blue sky。

Their piercing whiteness is of brief duration。 Soon the marshmarrow rims flatten to anvil tops; and the clouds reveal their darker nature。 They impose themselves before the late…afternoon sun; and the day darkens early。 Then a gust of wind whips the dust along the road; chill warning of what is to e。

In the house a door shuts with a bang; curtains billow into the room。 I rush to close the windows; empty the clothesline; secure the patio furnishing。 Thunder begins to grumble in the distance。

The first drops of rain are huge。 They splat into the dust and imprint the windows 

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