筆趣閣中文 > 其他小說 > 婉惠姐 > 第九十一章 對答如流

第九十一章 對答如流 (第2/3頁)

liang untry your ajesty,our eperor was all over the world”

傳教士模仿著說道:“honorific zhong liang untry your ajesty,our eperor was all over the world”


婉芯又對傳教士說道:“you tell your ajesty the idea of g to our untry”


傳教士點點頭,說道:“your ajesty, y na is jas i a fro the western ro epire, and i a a catholic issionary”


傳教士繼續說道:“kg of xi ng ade a piano, a viol and a fte to our ro epire as a gift to his ajesty, he asked to send a ician who knew the ical strunt to e to your untry to teach the icians to aster the strunt”



婉芯也會意地向詹姆斯翻譯道:“i a deeply aware of the friendship beeen kg sion and the ro epire three ical strunts have been taken away we have a ician who is proficient this strunt our untry, and the lord jas es a long way”

詹姆斯聽了,連忙恭敬地說道:“it is y honor to be able to e to zhongliang, an oriental power”



此話一出,婉芯眼前無線條黑線滑落,心道這個皇上沒良心,這些時候賣弄文墨,你可知道翻譯這事不容易!想罷狠狠地瞪了炫泓一眼,只是炫泓只顧著興奮而沒有留心婉芯這小表情嚕!婉芯也無奈,只能繼續翻譯道:“to have friends e fro afar, not to say! our untry, we are vited to stay our untry for ore days, to appreciate the agnificent ountas, rivers and ctos of

最新小說: 嫁給京圈首富後,全家跪著求原諒 情港春日 穿越牧馬人,截胡秀芝做老婆 鳳還巢之王后嫁到 病弱美人下鄉後,搞科研卷瘋了 醉金盞 卿寵嬌夫:殿下,爺有喜了 最強反派諸天行 王爺快醒醒,王妃造反了! 老頭環:甦醒的瑪蓮妮亞 婉惠皇后傳 我的神差大人 穿到十年後,和清冷校草結婚帶崽 哥布林天尊 你說你惹她幹嘛?她瘋起來誰都打 向野火 鬥羅:我是邪魂師又怎樣? 紙紮太逼真,萬界訂單爆漲成鉅富 穿越修仙:從變成頂級爐鼎開始 撲街十本,我把系統逼瘋了