第105章 卷1 (第1/9頁)

推薦閱讀: 半生不熟 盜棺

馬龍探案卷四 之 正確的兇案 一


the pudgy, red-faced an sittg alone at the bar was cryg to his g fro ti to ti he raised his gss, drank fro it, stared to it as though it were a crystal ball reflectg all the rrows of the world, and set it down aga

在喬天使的市政廳酒吧,他並不在意這裡的其他顧客。這些顧客大多數也是他的朋友,這會兒正玩得很開心。但是,就連 26 點遊戲桌旁喧鬧的三人組,也沒能分散他的注意力。有一次,當他意識到旁邊那群人在慶祝選舉時,他抬起了頭。他抬起頭是因為這令他感到困惑。那次選舉已經過去兩個月了,然後他發現他們慶祝的是克利夫蘭的選舉,於是又陷入了剛開始的憂鬱中。

it didn’t atter to hi that the other ctors joe the anl’s city hall bar—ost of the his friends, too—were havg a wonderful ti even the loud trio at the 26-ga table didn’t distract hi once he did lift his head when he realized that the group of n next to hi was celebratg the election he lifted his head becae it puzzled hi the election had been over o onths ago then he disvered it was clevend’s election they were celebratg, and returned to his cipient ncholia


the short, stocky, red-faced an was john j alone, chicago’s ost fao crial wyer at the ont, he was al the unhappiest an on earth


it wasn’t jt becae the long-legd brute fro chez paree had hocked his expensive christas present and gone off to new york with a new prospect it wasn’t becae he had reached that

最新小說: 盜墓:天真的兒子是軍火大佬 開局死房東!逃離禁忌小區 十日方源 400個民間鬼故事 地鐵詭途 因為我善,中了藍星大小姐的圈套 末世:喪屍能進化,但我會修仙 我在末世瘋狂殺,報仇囤資狠虐渣 全球冰封:開局打造宇宙戰艦 黑爺,幼稚鬼 海洋求生我在木筏上打造世外桃源 平凡少年的驅邪傳奇 罪案追兇 道士歷練:開局當起了外賣員 末世重生之殺手她又殺瘋了 重生星際開機甲,雙修天才就是我 末世與魚與嚮往寧靜生活 人在星際走,紅旗肩上扛 重啟末世熔爐 奕天鬼子