第7部分 (第1/9頁)

what it was to be unsure。 What then was it that gave him this

curious stability?

She did not know。 She wondered。 She looked round the room he

lived in。 It had a close intimacy that fascinated and almost

frightened her。 The furniture was old and familiar as old

people; the whole place seemed so kin to him; as if it partook

of his being; that she was uneasy。

〃It is already a long time that you have lived in this

house……yes?〃 she asked。

〃I've always lived here;〃 he said。

〃Yes……but your people……your family?〃

〃We've been here above two hundred years;〃 he said。 Her eyes

were on him all the time; wide…open and trying to grasp him。 He

felt that he was there for her。

〃It is your own place; the house; the


〃Yes;〃 he said。 He looked down at her and met her look。 It

disturbed her。 She did not know him。 He was a foreigner; they

had nothing to do with each other。 Yet his look disturbed her to

knowledge of him。 He was so strangely confident and direct。

〃You live quite alone?〃

〃Yes……if you call it alone?〃

She did not understand。 It seemed unusual to her。 What was

the meaning of it?

And whenever her eyes; after watching him for some time;

inevitably met his; she was aware of a heat beating up over her

consciousness。 She sat motionless and in conflict。 Who was this

strange man who was at once so ne

最新小說: 讓你當王者陪玩,竟把校花泡了? 縱橫率土從獲得神豪系統開始 網遊之劍界 鬥羅之霍雨浩知道了劇情 木葉:來自宇智波的靈魂之王 鬼滅:開局抽到了流刃若火 東京:開局撿到隔壁大姐姐 從繼承永生仙王衣缽開始縱橫諸天 聖鬥士:這個雙子座有點兒坑 艾澤拉斯的黑科技網咖 神話!我,冥王哈迪斯! 網王:這個球員背靠正義 不是,她無限回血,你打她幹嘛 苟在將夜臥薪嚐膽 讓你做車競遊戲,你做騎刃王?! 開發果寶特攻遊戲,玩家玩瘋了! LOL:世界賽之神 成為領主後,覺醒了進化天賦 暴富:從穿越魔獸世界遊戲開始 直播:弓箭吃雞,制霸全場!