第44部分 (第1/9頁)

kissed her; and again began to e nearer; nearer。 He gathered

himself together。 Even if he did not take her; he would make her

relax; he would fuse away her resistance。 So softly; softly;

with infinite caressiveness he kissed her; and the whole of his

being seemed to fondle her。 Till; at the verge; swooning at the

breaking point; there came from her a beaten; inarticulate;

moaning cry:

〃Don't……oh; don't!〃

His veins fused with extreme voluptuousness。 For a moment he

almost lost control of himself; and continued automatically。 But

there was a moment of inaction; of cold suspension。 He was not

going to take her。 He drew her to him and soothed her; and

caressed her。 But the pure zest had gone。 She struggled to

herself and realized he was not going to take her。 And then; at

the very last moment; when his fondling had e near again; his

hot living desire despising her; against his cold sensual

desire; she broke violently away from him。

〃Don't;〃 she cried; harsh now with hatred; and she flung her

hand across and hit him violently。 〃Keep off of me。〃

His blood stood still for a moment。 Then the smile came again

within him; steady; cruel。

〃Why; what's the matter?〃 he said; with suave irony。

〃Nobody's going to hurt you。〃

〃I know what you want;〃 she said。

〃I know what I want;〃 he said。 〃What's the odds?〃

〃Well; yo

最新小說: 讓你當王者陪玩,竟把校花泡了? 縱橫率土從獲得神豪系統開始 網遊之劍界 鬥羅之霍雨浩知道了劇情 木葉:來自宇智波的靈魂之王 鬼滅:開局抽到了流刃若火 東京:開局撿到隔壁大姐姐 從繼承永生仙王衣缽開始縱橫諸天 聖鬥士:這個雙子座有點兒坑 艾澤拉斯的黑科技網咖 神話!我,冥王哈迪斯! 網王:這個球員背靠正義 不是,她無限回血,你打她幹嘛 苟在將夜臥薪嚐膽 讓你做車競遊戲,你做騎刃王?! 開發果寶特攻遊戲,玩家玩瘋了! LOL:世界賽之神 成為領主後,覺醒了進化天賦 暴富:從穿越魔獸世界遊戲開始 直播:弓箭吃雞,制霸全場!