第85部分 (第1/9頁)

blind; eager wave urging blindly forward; dark with the same

homogeneous desire。 And all their talk and all their behaviour

was sham; they were dressed…up creatures。 She was reminded of

the Invisible Man; who was a piece of darkness made visible only

by his clothes。

During the next weeks; all the time she went about in the

same dark richness; her eyes dilated and shining like the eyes

of a wild animal; a curious half…smile which seemed to be gibing

at the civic pretence of all the human life about her。

〃What are you; you pale citizens?〃 her face seemed to say;

gleaming。 〃You subdued beast in sheep's clothing; you primeval

darkness falsified to a social mechanism。〃

She went about in the sensual sub…consciousness all the time;

mocking at the ready…made; artificial daylight of the rest。

〃They assume selves as they assume suits of clothing;〃 she

said to herself; looking in mocking contempt at the stiffened;

neutralized men。 〃They think it better to be clerks or

professors than to be the dark; fertile beings that exist in the

potential darkness。 What do you think you are?〃 her soul asked

of the professor as she sat opposite him in class。 〃What do you

think you are; as you sit there in your gown and your

spectacles? You are a lurking; blood…sniffing creature with eyes

peering out of the jungle darkness; snuffing for your desir

最新小說: 讓你當王者陪玩,竟把校花泡了? 縱橫率土從獲得神豪系統開始 網遊之劍界 鬥羅之霍雨浩知道了劇情 木葉:來自宇智波的靈魂之王 鬼滅:開局抽到了流刃若火 東京:開局撿到隔壁大姐姐 從繼承永生仙王衣缽開始縱橫諸天 聖鬥士:這個雙子座有點兒坑 艾澤拉斯的黑科技網咖 神話!我,冥王哈迪斯! 網王:這個球員背靠正義 不是,她無限回血,你打她幹嘛 苟在將夜臥薪嚐膽 讓你做車競遊戲,你做騎刃王?! 開發果寶特攻遊戲,玩家玩瘋了! LOL:世界賽之神 成為領主後,覺醒了進化天賦 暴富:從穿越魔獸世界遊戲開始 直播:弓箭吃雞,制霸全場!