第91部分 (第3/9頁)

eyes looking at

the moon。 He came direct to her; without preliminaries。 She held

him pinned down at the chest; awful。 The fight; the struggle for

consummation was terrible。 It lasted till it was agony to his

soul; till he succumbed; till he gave way as if dead; lay with

his face buried; partly in her hair; partly in the sand;

motionless; as if he would be motionless now for ever; hidden

away in the dark; buried; only buried; he only wanted to be

buried in the goodly darkness; only that; and no more。

He seemed to swoon。 It was a long time before he came to

himself。 He was aware of an unusual motion of her breast。 He

looked up。 Her face lay like an image in the moonlight; the eyes

wide open; rigid。 But out of the eyes; slowly; there rolled a

tear; that glittered in the moonlight as it ran down her


He felt as if as the knife were being pushed into his already

dead body。 With head strained back; he watched; drawn tense; for

some minutes; watched the unaltering; rigid face like metal in

the moonlight; the fixed; unseeing eye; in which slowly the

water gathered; shook with glittering moonlight; then

surcharged; brimmed over and ran trickling; a tear with its

burden of moonlight; into the darkness; to fall in the sand。

He drew gradually away as if afraid; drew away……she did

not move。 He glanced at her……she lay the sam

最新小說: 玩三國志戰略版,分幣不充 神話再臨:我獲得了燭龍血脈 都重生了,還讓我從頭開始 一天不打仗朕就渾身難受 NBA:穿越神醫變教練帶飛姚明 鬥羅:日月雨浩,不做唐三女婿 學生議事錄 讓你當王者陪玩,竟把校花泡了? 縱橫率土從獲得神豪系統開始 網遊之劍界 鬥羅之霍雨浩知道了劇情 木葉:來自宇智波的靈魂之王 鬼滅:開局抽到了流刃若火 東京:開局撿到隔壁大姐姐 從繼承永生仙王衣缽開始縱橫諸天 聖鬥士:這個雙子座有點兒坑 艾澤拉斯的黑科技網咖 神話!我,冥王哈迪斯! 網王:這個球員背靠正義 不是,她無限回血,你打她幹嘛