第1部分 (第1/8頁)


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… 手機訪問 m。

¤╭⌒╮ ╭⌒╮歡迎光臨

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︱田︱田田| ╰……

╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬版 權 歸 原 作 者

【此間青回】整理 ┃

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┃ 附:【】內容版權歸作者所有! ┃

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Chapter 1


It was close on midnight when a man crossed the Place de la Concorde。 In spite of the handsome fur coat which garbed his meagre form; there was something essentially weak and paltry about him。

A little man with a face like a rat。 A man; one would say; who could never play a conspicuous part; or rise to prominence in any sphere。 And yet; in leaping to such a conclusion; an onlooker would have been wrong。 For this man; negligible and inconspicuous as he seemed; played a prominent part in the destiny of the world。 In a

最新小說: 禁忌降臨世間,我覺醒了血肉戰甲 大姚穿越1978籃壇全是他的人 網遊之劍起太初 家人怕我創業,反手充值千億網遊 升級經驗一萬倍但獎勵提升六倍 NBA:防守滿分,我帶登哥奪冠 在無限世界努力保持正常人狀態 瓦:紅溫型選手,隊友越紅我越強 領主:開局化身天災,戰場成禁區 最終試煉遊戲 夢幻西遊:開局一段鐵絲我無敵了 我獨自挖礦 顧總太太把你拉黑了喬若星顧景琰 斬神:熾天使嫌棄後我直升至高神 火影:掛機就變強 七零:被趕出家門後我轉頭嫁軍官 失控星光 末日星晶:我有一個契約獸軍團 天災降臨:我可以強化萬物 原神:諸位,墮入深淵吧