第42部分 (第1/9頁)

butchers; soldiers; priests and grocers in all the Frankish lands…They all have

their portraits made this way。 Just a glance at those paintings and you too

would want to see yourself this way; you’d want to believe that you’re

different from all others; a unique; special and particuliar human being。

Painting people; not as they are perceived by the mind; but as they are actually

seen by the naked eye; painting in the new method; allows for this possibility。

One day everyone will paint as they do。 When ”painting‘ is mentioned; the

world will think of their work! Even a poor foolish tailor who understands

nothing of illustrating will want such a portrait so he might be convinced;

upon seeing the unique curve of his nose; that he’s not an ordinary simpleton;

but an extraordinary man。“

“So? We can make that portrait; as well;” quipped the witty assassin。


“We won’t!” I replied。 “Haven’t you learned from your victim; the late

Elegant Effendi; how afraid we are of being labeled imitators of the Franks?

Even if we venture bravely to paint like them; it’ll amount to the same thing。

In the end; our methods will die out; our colors will fade。 No one will care

about our books and our paintings; and those who do express interest will ask

with a sneer

最新小說: 橫跨大小球時代,庫裡鯊魚的結合 網遊之開局就很慘 大姚穿越重振籃聯 重生三十年頂級球星打造商業帝國 巨星閃耀 全民航海:開局獲得海神權杖! 王者:邊路第一惡霸,震驚全網 三萬毫米殲星炮,這片廢土我來罩 化身NPC:我與玩家和平共處 籃壇第一外掛 我一體校生:成為拳王很合理吧 不是御獸師咋了?我有一國御獸 魔法書成真:開始夢域副本 眉山蘇氏,蘇允最賢 超能進化:我的兵種有點貴 龍族:路明非的逆反劇本 末日遊戲的違規者 我把NPC拐跑後遊戲崩了 捱打永久加生命,開局即無敵 強制遊戲