第11部分 (第5/7頁)




Aristotle on Friendship


The ancients listed friendship among the highest of virtues。 It was an essential element in the happy or fully flourishing life。 “For without friends;” Aristotle says; “no one would choose to live; though he had all other goods。” Words worth remembering in a world of perishable “goods。”


According to Aristotle; friendship either is; or it involves; a state of character; a virtue。 There are three kinds of friendship。 These are based on pleasure in another’s pany (friendship of pleasure); or on usefulness in association (friendships of utility); or on mutual admiration (friendships in virtue)。 All are essential to the good life; and the best sorts of friends will not only admire each other’s excellence; but take pleasure in each other’s pany and find their association of mutual advantage。 Here is a portion of Aristotle’s classic discussion。

As the motives to Friendship differ in kind; so do the respective feelings and Friendships。 The species then of Friendship are three; in number equal to the objects of it; since in the line of each there may be 

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